Online Giving

In today’s connected and always-online world, many of us are already accustomed to online banking, paying our bills electronically, or making online purchases. Hillview Baptist Church has partnered with myEoffering to offer you a way to handle your church giving in the same way, using a debit or credit card, or using direct electronic funds transfer from your checking account.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get Started?

To start quickly, simply click the “Give Now” button above. The web site will ask you to register a new account for the first time, and then walk you through what you need to do. The short version is:

  1. Click Register Now to create an account

  2. Click Churches to search for and add Hillview as your church.

  3. Click Wallets to set up a payment method (checking account, or debit/credit card – see below for more information)

  4. Click Offerings to set up a one-time or recurring gift.

Does Electronic giving replace the regular offering?

We will continue to collect the regular offering during services, and if you prefer to continue to give that way, please feel free to continue to do so! Electronic giving is simply an additional method for those who would prefer to handle their transactions electronically rather than with cash or paper checks.

What does it cost?

There is no required cost to you to use this new giving option; the church does cover those costs. However, we do encourage you to select the option to cover the transaction fees as a giver, because this will help to maximize your gift. The fees are slightly larger for debit/credit transactions than they are for electronic funds transfer (EFT, aka checking account), so if possible, you are encouraged to use the latter option. However, please give with whatever method you are most comfortable.

Is it convenient?

If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes. And when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue uninterrupted.

Can I schedule my giving?

Yes. You can customize a completely individual method of giving, based on how and when you receive your income – whether it be bi-weekly, monthly, or semi-monthly. By setting up recurring donations to be automatically debited from your account, it allows the church to better plan budgets and expenditures and provides a more accurate financial forecast. It also enables you to stay on the path of your contribution goals by ensuring that even if you are unable to attend church on a particular Sunday, you needn’t worry about remembering to make that contribution the following week.

Is it secure?

Rest assured that we chose myEoffering in part because of their strict security measures. They have passed all the required tests to be fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. This means that they are using the latest technologies available to protect against would-be data thieves. They have processed electronic donations for many churches in the United States and we feel comfortable in the security their service provides. Because myEoffering handles all the details, nobody in the church has access to your personal financial information.

What if I still have questions?

If you still have questions or concerns, feel free to email us at, or seek out our Treasurer and Deacon Jason Eiler, after a church service.